Loving the word "No"

NO.. A simple two letter word, but one of the most common reasons why people fear to be in a sales profession. Not only in sales, it is a word which is disliked and dreaded by many. It brings with it the feeling of dejection, sorrow, despair and the like..

The fact is, the reason salespeople exist is because people say 'no' all the time. They would be jobless if everyone agreed to everything all the time.The key to success lies in how you approach the 'no'. Always anticipate and expect the 'no'. Be prepared to hear it and that will help you in handling it better. People often say 'no' because it is easier to say no than say yes. With experience you will realize that 'no' at times means 'maybe or not now'. So your journey with the client/customer need not and will not end with that 'no'.

Getting a 'no' in the beginning of the sales process is much better than facing a 'no' towards the end. The ones arising in the beginning are much easier to handle than the ones at the end. The reasons for the 'no' in the beginning will be more generic than the 'no' at the end which may be more specific and tough to handle.

In this context as salespeople we have an important lesson to learn from kids. When they need something very badly, they will never take the first 'no' as a complete 'no'. They will try their best to convince the other person and they will not give up until they get their 'yes' or something very close to that. They never get dejected by the initial no because they believe that there is definitely scope for success beyond that initial 'no'.

So learn to love the word 'no'. When you start loving it you will not be dreading it...but you will be expecting it and you will very well know how to take it forward..nice and slow..
