Procrastination: The Bad Guy In Your Sales Journey
Procrastination: "The action of delaying or postponing something" The above mentioned is the reason why there was no blog post here last month. I guess this phenomenon happens to everyone, it does happen to me all the time. Since I have had this realization many times in the past, I decided that now I should sit and act immediately. This tendency to delay things can cause serious harm when it comes to sales. It creates a sense of guilt and anxiety and procrastinating does not make the task go away.Salespeople often tend to procrastinate the following activities Making calls for new prospects Returning phone calls or emails Informing the client that you cannot satisfy their requirement and many more What causes the salesperson to procrastinate? You want to avoid the discomfort that might be caused by that action You feel it is really simple, so you can do it at a later time Self doubt. You are unsure of completing the task. So you rather not start it ...