5 Ways For Qualifying Prospects
When you're in the field, meeting people after people, how can you identify which of these people are really worth your time? This is known as qualifying prospects. A lead is a potential buyer. A prospect is a lead that is qualified or determined to be ready, willing and able to buy. For qualifying prospects you need to ask him questions to determine if he has the desire and ability. One of the biggest and common mistakes salespeople make is to right away present the product to the prospect without even trying to understand what the prospect wants. You need to sit back and do some probing to make sure you are talking to right person. Prospects will want to talk if they are asked the right questions. 5 ways for qualifying prospects are as follows #1 Does your prospect have a need? Is your customer actually having the need for your product or service? If he doesn't, no matter how great your pitch/sales presentation is, he will not say a yes. #2 Does he/she have the...