7 Common Blunders Salespeople Make
When we get into a sales career we commit lot of blunders and mistakes. We carry along with us lot of wrong assumptions and most of us learn from those mistakes and that make us more wiser salespeople. So what are those 7 common blunders that we often make? Blunder #1 Thinking what the client tells you is the exact problem We often think that the client is being honest about why he is not interested in your offering. But he might be lying to you in order to hide the exact reason . He might say that he did not like the colour of the product but actually he might not be able to afford it. So as a salesperson you need to put an extra effort to understand the exact problem and try to find a solution for it. Blunder #2 Talking and talking and talking....... I have often heard people say to a talkative person, "You are good for sales". I disagree. It might help you in certain situations but not all. Salespeople often think they need to be talking all the time but actually t...