The Know It All Salesman
Like any other job being a salesperson is also tough as there is an uncertainty attached to the profile. You meet different clients with varied needs and desires. In the initial days you may find it really difficult because, however well you prepare for a call you may have to face situations which you had never dreamt of. On the contrary, this is also a reason why sales is an exciting job.You never know what's in store for you. But once you grow in the role, you identify certain clusters of clients or situations and you program yourself to handle them accordingly.Taking the various cues into consideration you switch yourself to that programmed mode and you handle the call based on your assumptions. There.. I said it.. "Assumption". This is a very dangerous term in sales and it will even cost you the sale. We tend to be a ' Know it all salesperson'. The truth is, even if you are a very seasoned salesperson, you may go wrong in your assumptions. ...